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Double Post Gel® is a post milking non-drop teat dip. Chlorhexidine binds to the phosphate group of the pathogen’s cell wall and disrupts the selective permeability of the cell and Lactic acid also exerts its effect by facilitating the penetration into the cytoplasm and disrupting the proton motive force of the pathogen, due to these synergistic effects of the product, while being able to neutralize mastitis pathogens in 15 seconds with 5+ potency& residual activity of several hours. The use of lactic acid along with other skin softening, hydrating, protective, cooling and rejuvenating ingredients in the formulation led to destruction of old cells. And replacing it with new cells leads to the rejuvenation of the tissue.

Additional information


Sana Dam Pars

generic name

Post milking non-drop teat dip chlorhexidine and Lactic acid Based

Net Weight/ volume

20 Liter


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